OnePartner HIE

Instant access to patient health records

  • No more time spent on faxing.
  • No more phone calls to providers & labs for test results.

OnePartner Health Information Exchange Community Record allows providers to see patient information at the point of care, regardless of place of service. This means you will have patient records right at your fingertips. This will cut down on the amount of work your staff must to do to aquire medical records, making your practice much more efficient.

With all the major hospitals participating, as well as many other healthcare organizations in the area, OnePartner HIE will help save you time and improve patient quality by giving you instant access to patient records.

"As a physician responsible for the global care of patients with multiple medical problems, I have always felt a responsibility to maintain the "definitive" version of the patient's medical record. OnePartner HIE is making that goal more attainable."
Steven Adkins, MD
online records for providers
The diagram below shows how many different types of patient records are in the HIE:

Benefits of a community record

  • Reduced cost
  • Improved efficiency
  • Improved quality
  • Improved patient safety and patient satisfaction
  • Reduced duplication of services

The best part? Every electronic medical record system can connect! We harmonize and normalize the data to deliver it in a meaningful format, easily viewable within the provider's existing workflow. No more needles in a haystack!

HIE Regional Participation

1.4 M
Patient Records

Approx. 1,400,000 unique patient records

Messages Daily

Exchanging approx. 300,000 messages daily

Participating Physicians

Including both Wellmont and Mountain States Health Systems, representing over 80% of the primary care providers in the Tri-Cities TN/VA market

OnePartner HIE is selected to support Emergent ACO.